Time Stands Still at Marble Canyon

Arizona has many marvels to offer, making it an excellent destination for tourists. One of these marvels can be found at Marble Canyon. The Wave is an example of the artistic talent that nature possesses, which is one reason it’s such a desirable sight to see for artists, photographers, and those who appreciate the natural world. Simply walking around Marble Canyon and looking at The Wave is a profound experience, but caretakers make sure there isn’t too much foot traffic each day. Continue ahead to find out why time stands still at Marble Canyon.

The Wave

It might be a counterintuitive name for something found in the desert more than five thousand feet above sea level, but that might add to the fun. The Wave is a group of calcified sandstone dunes that offer a mesmerizing display. We can thank slow erosion due to wind and rain for the sights we behold when we look at The Wave, which has been frequently advertised to Germans. The dunes have calcified both vertically and horizontally, and their appearance resembles an artist’s palette after spreading a mixture of paints with a brush. The calcification process started almost 200 million years ago, but we get to enjoy the results today.

The Experience

Only 20 people are allowed to walk through The Wave each day, as the structures can still be damaged. The people who are fortunate enough to witness it in person claim that it feels like a dream, and that the experience itself is somewhat surreal.

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