The Benefits of Warehousing for Your Business

Warehousing will give your business the security and flexibility you need to provide exceptional service, have product on-demand, and provide scalable services that can be increased along with customer needs. In the field of retail and manufacturing, there is an ever-increasing need to increase productivity while lowering costs. This has been the case over the last 10 years, and with the increase in online retailers and warehouse giants, it will likely continue to be the case in the years to come. Using a combination of warehouse storage, inventory management, and robust logistics and delivery services can help you increase your customer base without sacrificing quality. Here are the key benefits of warehousing for your business:


Increase Opportunity for Expansion


When you are no longer bound by the restriction to store all materials, products, and packing supplies onsite at your facility, you have a better chance of expanding your business. Not only will you have more space for employees, creating a better and safer work environment, but you will also be able to keep more stock on hand so you can meet the needs of an increased customer base. You may find that you are also able to offer more and varied products when you are no longer limited by space constraints. By outsourcing your storage and distribution to a warehouse, you increase the time you have to spend focusing on more important aspects of running your business. 

Robust Production Support


Using a warehouse and distribution center offers robust production support from experts who have been in the business a very long time. This can significantly reduce your production lead times. A warehouse and distribution facility can offer increased space, exceptional transportation logistics, and safe storage of your products. 


More Efficient Packing and Processing


Another key benefit of choosing a warehouse and distribution center for your business is that they are experts in packing and processing. They employ logistics management experts who can take care of storing, packaging, shipping, distributing, and managing the inventory of your products. This ensures a more reliable customer experience, as well as a safer environment for your staff onsite. This efficiency also increases customer satisfaction, as it allows you to implement quality control measures and free up your staff’s time for handling customer service issues rather than handling shipping and logistics. 


Opportunity for Spot-Stocking


If you offer seasonal products or just want a low-risk way to break into a new product line, using a warehouse allows you the opportunity for spot-stocking. Spot stocking uses a number of warehouses at the same time in different locations so they are close to key markets. This can reduce transport and delivery times and meet customer demand more quickly. It also allows you to serve different markets with different products without having to commit to having everything on-hand all at once. 


Reduce Business Risk


Using a warehouse and distribution center can also significantly reduce your business risk. Everything kept in the warehouse is insured at the risk of the warehouse owner. This means that outsourcing to an off-site warehouse transfers the risk of inventory loss due to theft, fire, flood, or damage to the owner of the warehouse rather than you or your company. The warehouse owner’s insurance will protect you, and provide a higher level of protection than insurance you purchased on your own, and you won’t need to pay the premium. 


Explore Your Warehousing Options by Contacting Xcel Delivery Services

If you’re ready to learn more about the benefits of outsourcing to an offsite warehouse and distribution center in Arizona, contact us at Xcel Delivery Services today. We specialize in helping businesses grow beyond what they can accomplish in their current business space. We can help you maintain your inbound and outbound product, handle inventory management, provide safe, insured storage of your product, and handle efficient and reliable packaging and distribution. Our facility is completely secure, with gated entry, electronic surveillance, and state of the art security systems. Our staff is experienced, trained, and knowledgeable and can improve productivity and customer satisfaction by promising consistent, speedy distribution services. To learn more about how we can help your business grow, call us today at (888) 743-0067 or contact us online.

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