How Southwestern Businesses Can Prepare for a Hurricane

Even though storm surge and hurricane-force winds aren’t generally a concern in the Southwest like they in coastal areas, tropical weather can still be a significant factor for businesses in the region. After hurricanes make landfall, they can spawn massive, slow-moving weather fronts that bring flooding rains and the risk severe weather. Tropical Storm Rosa is just one recent example of a tropical weather system impacting the Southwest with flash floods and wind. You can’t prevent weather events from occurring, but you can prepare for them. This is especially important if you have time-sensitive deliveries to make. Here is a look at some of the things you can do to get ready when a hurricane approaches.


Have a Plan

The worst thing you can do to is to wait until a heavy storm is coming in your direction to start thinking about your preparedness. Have a plan that you can implement when a storm is coming, so you are ready to roll into action. Start by assessing your need. Most businesses will need a plan to handle communication, infrastructure, and critical assets. Train your employees on the plan so that everyone knows what to do once you activate your procedures.


Liaise with Your Delivery Partner

Deliveries are inevitably impacted by inclement weather. When there is a potential for a storm, talk to your delivery partner about their procedures and your needs. You may need to focus on getting some shipments out early, especially if you deal in time-sensitive items, such as medical devices. Know when your delivery partner is planning to stop operations for an oncoming storm, so you are not surprised.


Protect Critical Assets

Take steps to ensure your critical assets are protected. This may include moving items to a higher level of your facility or moving them completely out of your office. Be sure to act well in advance, since flash flooding and heavy wind storms can occur with little notice.


Xcel Delivery Services can help you navigate the process of storm preparation. When you need assistance, call our Phoenix delivery company at (602) 368-1300.


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